Belarusbank’s conference gathers representatives of international financial circles in Frankfurt

Belarusbank’s conference gathers representatives of international financial circles in Frankfurt

Belarusbank organized the 11th international conference in Frankfurt am Main on December 3. This year’s event was titled “At the turn of the new decade”. The conference gathered more than 100 participants, including representatives of financial institutions and insurance companies from Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Belarus, as well as the World Bank, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


The conference was also attended by representatives of Belarus’ government agencies, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

Among the speakers at the event there was Ambassador Extraordinary of the Republic of Belarus to the Federal Republic of Germany Denis Sidorenko.


Many of the bank’s corporate clients also took part in the conference, including Grodno Azot, Belwest, Belarusian Steel Works - management company of Belarusian Metallurgical Company holding, Belarusian Railways, Minskenergo, Holding Management Company Belkommunmash, MMPZ Group, Mogilevkhimvolokno, BELAZ, MAZ, Administration of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone.


First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Belarusbank Aliaksandr Paliuka emphasized the importance of relations with foreign partners in his opening speech. “I would like to stress once again that cooperation, or, rather, partnership, is the key to success in the rapidly changing world. An open dialogue that includes not only representatives of business but also government agencies is very important for all of us. We are constantly looking for new opportunities so as to keep up with market dynamics, the emerging new solutions and clients’ needs, as well as preserve our leading position”, he said. According to the First Deputy Chairman of the Board, Belarusbank is exploring new financing instruments, such as credit lines of the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, China Development Bank.

During panel discussions representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, the National Bank, the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development made presentations about Belarus’ investment climate and the promising areas of cooperation between Belarusian and Western business circles.

In addition to the country panel, the agenda of the conference included two business panels that focused on long-term and short-term financing.

During the 11th international conference representatives of the bank conducted negotiations with a number of foreign partners. The negotiations were dedicated to the expansion if mutually beneficial cooperation and the possible conditions of financing potential projects.

Belarusbank and Germany’s DZ Bank AG signed a strategic cooperation agreement in the framework of the conference.  

The conference served as a platform for the discussion of new business ideas and promising projects with the participation of the largest bank of Belarus, Belarusian companies and foreign partners. The participants and guests of the conference highly appreciated the level of the organization of the event.

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